Going back, I was just listening to them talking as I was too lazy to join their musings.
Last night's main topic: Quotes.

My dad cited the "Familiarity breeds contempt" quote that we always, always hear. He said that that isn't all there is to that quote. He then recited the whole -- proverb? -- that ended with the line, "and familiarity breeds contempt." I cannot fully remember what the whole -- proverb? -- is. (Gotta ask him one of these days.)
Then my sister said that the same thing goes for the "To be or not to be, that is the question" from Hamlet. More often than not, people just cite that FIRST line. I doubt they even know where they come from and as my sister said, "They [the people who use that quote] probably don't even know that it's about suicide."
Yeah, first time I heard that quote was from one of those really old 5 to 10-minute cartoons wherein a wolf was trying to recite the whole dialogue as a theater act. He never got past "To be or not to be--" as a pig would throw tomatoes on his face.
Good times.

Then there are people in the younger generation who post quotes whose sources aren't cited and their friends who don't know better think that this person has just spewed out something so remarkable and...*drum roll* ORIGINAL.
All I cared about posting primarily showed how much of a geek I am and the subjects I'm interested in:
"99, you are a hero. A very awesome hero."
"'I need TP for my bunghole!' - Gawd I miss you so, Beavis."
See how "witty" I can be?
Anyway, this is the start of the Father-Daughter saga. I will document the gist of the daily ride-back-home conversations because..it's fun.
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