Friday, November 19, 2010

These are the things that make me scream

Browsing through today's rss feeds, I stumbled upon a site that piqued my interest.

A photographer, Joshua Hoffine, has managed to capture some of the things that only appear in my nightmares. Scary, yes, but I find them artistic.

Here are some of the photos that he took:

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"Lady Bathory"

Check out the rest of his portfolio on his website while I cower in fear for seeing these pictures while I'm wide awake.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Feels like insomnia~ oohhh~

It's almost 2am and yet i can still feel the gears inside my head going at full speed as if someone just spilled the greasiest grease in there and lubricated everything.

And it sucks. Especially when I've had a bad day and I just want to sleep it all off.

One of my main problems is that there's been an annualization of income tax at work and when they gave me my pay slip, I saw that my withholding tax (additional tax included) amounted to more than 70% of my pay this month. Adding the other deductibles, I'm pretty much left with just 20% of my salary until the next month. (We get paid once a month.)

And so I am broke. With more than one thing to pay for. Sigh. If only I've been born under a lucky star, I might win the lotto and live happily ever after.

Speaking of happy, I've read one too many times that one of man's ultimate (if not the ultimate) goal is to find happiness.

A fine goal indeed.

But what if man was never intended to be happy?

And with that thought, I shall resume to forcing myself to go back to sleep.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wow it's November!

And just a couple of weeks ago, scientists have discovered Tatooine!

'Star Wars' Planet with 2 Suns Challenges Theories

I'm waiting for them to discover Dagobah. I want to go take a hike there.